British Irish
Social Events

Dear friends:
Please check any events listed before you attend.
17th July 3:00 pm
Balmoralghillies Ball

To Celebrate HM Queen Elizabeth's Platinum Jubilee
Attire: Military Mess Dress, Highland Dress, Tuxedo, Smart Business, Country Casual
Afternoon High Tea, Scottish Country Dancing, Highland Dancing, Bagpiper, Dance to Live Ceilidh Music
At The Altadena Town & Country Club. Mendocino Room. 2290 Country Club Dr.Altadena, CA 91001"
Registration is required. Payment In Full In Advance Only
Event Contact. David Warburton, OBE., MD 818-359-6050 (c)
18th to 22nd July
Swan Upping ceremony

The Ceremony will commence on Monday 18th July from Sunbury on the Thames, Middlesex, and will finish on Friday 22nd July at Abingdon Bridge, Oxfordshire. This is an annual ceremonial in which mute swans on the River Thames are rounded up, marked, and then released. Traditionally, the British Monarch retains the right to ownership of all unmarked mute swans in open water.
Swan Upping occurs annually during the third week of July. During the ceremony, the Queen's, Vintners', and the Dyers' Swan Uppers row up the river in skiffs.
Today, only swans with cygnets are ringed, this also serves to check the health of swans. (all times given are approximate).
18th July 7:00 to 11:00 pm
Celtic Arts Center

Lúnasa Music Session & Good Cheer
Táimid Ar Ais! – Tha Sinn Air Ais! – Rydyn ni'n Ôl!
The Celtic Arts Center continues to expand its Monday night cultural arts programming.
7:00–8:00 pm Online Irish Language Classes
Online language instruction continues via Zoom reaching students both local and long-distance.
The Mayflower Club will be open at 7:00 pm for musicians and guests to come in, grab a spot and tune-up, get a beverage from the club's bar, and relax.
8:00–9:00 pm Irish Céilí Dance Class
Open to newcomers and regulars, this class starts off with step-by-step instruction of the basics for beginners (a warm-up for returning students) followed by the learning
of one or two traditional Céilí dance patterns. This lively folk-dancing style has been referred to as Cardio Céilí and for good reason. Everybody gets to participate, young
and seasoned dancers, so be sure to wear some comfortable soft shoes/trainers. Join us as we share this traditional dance form that is uniquely Celtic.
The class is FREE for Center members and non-members get their first four sessions free of charge!
9:00–11:00 pm Traditional Celtic Music Seisiún
For over 35 years the Celtic Arts Center has hosted a traditional Celtic music seisiún (jam session). new and returning musicians are all welcome to participate!
Every first Monday of the month we will forego the dance class and have a Grand Seisiún with a music jam session starting at 7:00 pm and going on 'til closing at 11:00 pm.
Please take into account that LA County has updated its COVID response, so we are doing everything possible to obey
You can support the programs and the mission of The Celtic Arts Center through your donations by joining or renewing your membership today.
A Claidheamh Soluis / The Celtic Arts Center is a federally-recognized 501.c3 cultural arts organization, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Our mailing address is An Claidheamh Soluis - The Celtic Arts Center 5062 Lankershim Blvd. #3003 North Hollywood, CA 91601
Thank you for your support and see you Monday at The Mayflower Club N.Hollywood. 11110 Victory Boulevard, North Hollywood, CA 91606
Call for Directions and Info at 818-769-9805
20th July 7:00 pm
Dixon Scottish Cultural Ass in Dixon CA.

Dixon Scottish is a non-profit community organization dedicated to promoting the culture, education, and entertainment of Scotland. Meetings are 7 p.m, on the third Wednesday of each month, at the American Legion Hall, 1305 North First Street, Dixon, CA Its annual Scottish Highland games are on the last Saturday in September at the Dixon Fairgrounds, 655 South First Street, Dixon, CA. All are welcome to attend! THE next DSCA meeting is The DixoScottish club's Robert Burns Supper on the first Saturday in February at the Davis Masonic Lodge Hall, 1655 Da Vinci Court, Davis, CA. For details, visit or E-mail
24th July 7:30 pm
LA Traditional Music Society

Dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of traditional Folk Music, dance, and related folk arts.
Group meets fourth Sunday of every month at Encino Park
16953 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA 91316
Phone: (818) 817-7756
24th July 1:00 to 5:00 pm
The British Isles Family History Society USA.

Family History Society – U.S.A. meetings are free, open to the public, and typically held on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December).at the Los Angeles Family History, Library, 10741 Santa Monica Blvd, Los Angeles, California 90025. More information or contact
26th July 7:00 pm
Saint Andrews Society of Modesto

Saint Andrews Society of Modesto holds its meetings on the Fourth Tuesday of each month except December.
You don't have to be a Scotsman, Irishman, or Welshman to participate, and your interest is in the "swing of the kilt," the drone of the bagpipe or the eating of scones, shortbread, bangers, or soda bread, you'll find it encouraged by this Society. The only requirement is an interest in this colorful and unique bit of living history. We would be glad to see you at our gatherings and will welcome you as a member. Come early if you wish to join us for dinner before the meeting.
At Denny's restaurant (Between Granger and Coolidge)
1525 McHenry Avenue, Modesto, CA, 95350
Please call: For more information (209) 529-9430 ~ (209) 526-8812 ~ (209) 622-0740
If you would like to join the Saint Andrew's Society, please visit
for a Membership Application.
Hope to see you there!
St. Andrews Society of Modesto. P. O. Box 578653. Modesto, CA 95357-8653
26th July 4:30 pm
Austin Healeys gathering

Brits at Fuddrucker's
For the past several months' AHA, Austin Healeys have been meeting with other classics and muscle cars on the last Tuesday of the month. They meet at 4:30 PM at the entrance to Fuddrucker's on El Toro in Lake Forest in order to park together. Other Healey's and Brits are encouraged to join us. Check our website calendar for other events. Note that not all events on our calendar feature Brit cars. Membership in our club ( Austin Healey Association) does not require car ownership. for more details please contact George McHarris.
28th July 11:30 am-2:00 pm
The Britannia Connection

Hold monthly meetings on the last Thursday of each month, they are a nonprofit local service club, founded in 2013. Who engage in charitable fundraising, while also promoting fellowship among ladies of British and Commonwealth heritage and anyone with an interest in British culture living in Southern California. For information, contact President: Vanessa A. Caldwell, Telephone: 760-598-2602 or 208-871-9644. E-Mail: Treasurer: Susannah Levicki. Telephone: 951-691-2048. E-Mail: Where: Golf Club of California. 3742 Flowerwood Lane. Fallbrook, CA 92028
31st July 1970
Black Tot Day

Death of a Royal Navy Tradition
For more than 300 years, from the earliest days of wooden ships and iron men, sailors of Great Britain's Royal Navy were issued a daily ration–or "tot"–of rum by the ship's "Purser" corrupted by sailors to Pusser's. Prior to 1740, sailors' daily tot of Rum was a pint a day, which they drank neat, that is without water! Before the battle, they were issued a double 'tot', and always after victory, for a job well done! As they fought drunk (it’s merely a flesh wound) or sober around the globe to keep the British Empire's sea lanes open. It was not until July 31st, 1970 that the Admiralty Board abolished the daily issue of Rum.
No longer will boatswain’s mate piped the tune “Up Spirits”, or the officers’ toasts (to the King or Queen) followed by a different toast for each day of the week:

Monday, “Our ships at sea”
Tuesday, “Our men”
Wednesday, “Ourselves”
Thursday, “A bloody war, and quick promotion”
Friday, “A willing soul and sea room”
Saturday, “Sweethearts and wives, may they never meet”
Sunday, “Absent Friends, and those at sea.
1st August
House of England

Members of the House of England will hold their monthly meetings on the 1st Saturday. For a light English meal followed by a lively business meeting. You don't have to be a member of the House of England to attend our meetings (membership is only $15 a year). Check out what we do and learn about the many events you too can take part in to celebrate being English or being associated with and interested in things and people who are English. Note that the meetings are held at the Hall of Nations, not at the cottage. • What to bring We ask for a small donation--$4–to cover the cost of the meal. Tea, water, and lemonade will be served. Sorry, no coffee. We're British, after all. • Important to know. Members of the House of England take turns serving as hosts in the HOE cottage of the International cottages every Saturday and Sunday afternoon.
Balboa Park. 2301 Pan American Rd West
San Diego CA. Phone: +1 619-234-073
2nd August 9:00 am
The Friends of Ireland of Southern California

This great bunch of people meet for breakfast on the first Tuesday of every month.
If you would like to join them from 9.00 am to 11.00 am at Kenos Restaurant
2661 W La Palma Ave
Anaheim, Ca,
Info Pete at
Tel 714-739-4195 Cel 714-200-7365.
See you there.
3rd August 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Belmont Shore British Car Night

Pre-1980 British car meets the first Wednesday of every month. Come out for the evening, bring a friend and a British car. Cars meet near the pier in the parking lot adjacent to the Belmont shore Brewing Company. Taste real Microbrews, dinners, and great burgers for those who are hungry. Turn on Termino off Livingston to Allin St at the parking lot Details: Tim Clark: www. Austin-Healey. For other event details please go to the Healey website calendar.
4th August 5:00 to 7:00 pm
BABC OC First Thursday

Join the BABC-OC for the first in a new series of monthly business networking events.
We'll gather at various locations throughout Orange County on the FIRST THURSDAY of each month.
This Month's sponsor is.
See you for a little Beer, Business, and Banter.
No Host Bar.
British American Business Council Orange County
714-227-0317; on behalf of; British American Business Council.
7th August 1:00 pm
Irish Center's monthly get-together

On the first Sunday of each month, the Irish Center holds an informal “get together luncheon” At Hill Street Café, 3301 N. Glenoaks Blvd, Easy to find, between Hollywood Way and Buena Vista on Glenoaks. (Right next to St Leon’s Cathedral).A separate dining room for 40-50 people. Park beside the building. Order what you want—a cup of coffee to full lunch—and pay yourself. Please do make reservations by calling Bridget Hana at 818 249 7911. Bring your musical instrument or songbook. Always fun, good food, good company+ singing, etc. Remember, the brunch starts at 1 pm at Hill Street Café, 3301 N. Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank. CA. the telephone is 818 845 0044
9th August 7:00 am
Caledonian Club

2nd Tuesday lunch 11:30 - 1:00 pm, Streets of London Pub 18th and J, Sacramento. CA
Parking in the restaurant lot. No host. No program. Wonderful people breaking break haggis (or something else this restaurant actually serves) together and enjoying great company. Sponsored by the Caledonian Club and the Shamrock Club of Sacramento and invite interested people to join them for a no-host Informal lunch. There is no formal program, and the purpose is simply to get people together who have an interest in things Celtic, Many works, and this is one of the few events they attend. There is no charge for attending. Also, let's wear our kilts and test the rumor that that entitles us to a dollar off a beer. Over the years the Shamrocks and Caledonians have shared hosting this party, enjoying this season of fellowship and goodwill. Guests welcome. Events are posted as they become available. Please wear your name badge.
More information at 916 539 8931 Sharon Young
There is parking on the street or in the back of the pub. Please join Callie and Shamrock clubs and guests for a jabberfest.
And maybe even some Scottish eggs
12th August
The Glorious Twelfth

The Glorious Twelfth falls on August 12 each year, marking the start of the shooting season. Grouse shooting began in the Victorian era as early as 1853 and has continued throughout the years. Hunters seek the red grouse (Lagopus scotia), and to a lesser extent the ptarmigan (Lagopus muta), which can be found only in Britain and Northern Ireland and are one of the most expensive game birds. The date itself is traditional; the current legislation enshrining it in the England Game Act of 1831 Since English law prohibits game bird shooting on a Sunday, the start date is postponed to 13 August on years when the 12th falls on a Sunday
12th August 7:00 am
Western Sierra Celtic Society

The Western Sierra Celtic Society meets monthly at 7 p.m., on the second Tuesday of each month, at Murphys Irish Pub, 415 Main Street, downtown Murphy, CA. about 60 miles east of Stockton. A free program on Irish or Scottish history will be presented at the end of each club membership meeting. For details, please visit or e-mail
14th August 11:30 am
House of Scotland

The House of Scotland is a cultural organization whose purpose is to keep before the general public the music, traditions, history, and culture of Scotland. While most people join because either they, their spouse, or their ancestors were born in Scotland, a membership application is open to any person who wishes to learn about Scotland or Scottish culture. The House of Scotland is one of the International Cottages organized within the House of Pacific Relations to further the pursuit of "pacific" or peaceful relations among nations. House of Scotland. Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11.30 am at the House of Scotland, International Cottages, Balboa Park, San Diego. Information: Dianne Schultz ( Club President.
16th August.1888
Lawrence of Arabia

Thomas Edward (T.E.) Lawrence was born at Tremadoc in North Wales.
He was the second of five sons of Sir Thomas Chapman and Sarah Junner. Popularly known as Lawrence of Arabia, Lawrence became famous for his exploits as British Military liaison to the Arab Revolt during the First World War. When war broke out with Germany in 1914, Lawrence spent a brief period in the Geographical Section of the General Staff in London and was then posted to the Military Intelligence Department in Cairo. In 1916, the Arabs rebelled against the Turkish empire. Lawrence was sent to Mecca on a fact-finding mission, ultimately becoming the British liaison officer to the Arabs. His account of the revolt is chronicled in his classic books, “Seven Pillars of Wisdom, A Triumph” and “Revolt in the Desert
19th August 6:00 pm
British United Service Club of Los Angeles

A club of British, former Commonwealth, and Allied forces observing formal British Officers Mess protocol
The BUSC meets at the Altadena Town & Country Club normally on the third Friday of each month, Due to the Altadena Town and Country Club being closed.
The British United Services Club does not have any imminent live meetings planned They hope to re-start their Mess Night- Dining in the Fall if pandemic conditions improve!
At the moment they are holding a monthly Zoom gathering with some 30-40 members joining in, usually on the traditional 3rd Friday of each month.
For attendance and membership questions, please go
5th September
Annual North American Festival of Wales

The North American Festival of Wales is held in a different location each year, in either the US or Canada on the shared Labor Day holiday weekend. Prepare yourself for days of song, merriment, and camaraderie with old and new friends, celebrating the life, heritage, and culture of Wales Day activities include presenters from Wales and North America on Welsh language, music, dance, films, customs, historic, an Eisteddfod competition, a children’s program, a silent auction, and a marketplace offering Welsh cakes, tea, books, and gifts. Every evening will close by singing old Welsh favorites. Sunday concludes with a bi-lingual service. We promise a Welsh experience that will not be forgotten. The North American Festival of Wales is sponsored by the Welsh North American Association.
For full details of the Festival visit
2nd-5th September

10th September 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
The 13th Annual Orange County Brew Ha Ha
For British & Irish real beer drinkers + US friends.
Off-Duty Firefighters will pour beer for you and a portion of the proceeds will go to the Fallen Fire Fighters Relief Fund.
* 175+ Craft & Import Beers from over 80 Top Breweries * Commemorative Festival Glass
* Ten 4 oz Tastes * Park Setting with Lots of Shaded Seating * Homebrew Exhibitors
Free soda and water * Exclusive VIP Session * Live Entertainment, lots of Food Trucks Will Be Selling Their Best!
Admission 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. $40 Includes: Commemorative Festival Glass and Tastes
VIP – 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. $55 Includes: Commemorative Festival Glass & Tastes + -One hour Early Entry, -
VIP Exclusive Beer Appreciation Seminar by renowned beer experts with specially selected beer designated driver– $15 – Must accompany a paid participant The event will be held at Oak Canyon Park near Irvine Lake is one of Orange County’s premier private event facilities. Centrally located at 5305 Santiago Canyon Road, Silverado, CA
15th September (1984)
Prince Harry (B/D)

Formally Prince Henry of Wales, 2nd son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and currently fifth in line to the throne of the United Kingdom Attended Eaton excelled in sports, particularly polo and rugby union, graduated from Sandhurst as a Cornet (second lieutenant) in the Blues and Royals of the Household Cavalry. Earned his wings as a pilot and flew Apache helicopters in Afghanistan. Harry enjoys many sporting activities, polo, skiing, and motocross, and is a supporter of Arsenal Football Club. Polls in the United Kingdom showed Harry to be the third most popular member of the Royal Family, after William and the Queen.
15th September

The start of the Battle of Britain Day, 15 September 1940, is the day on which a large-scale aerial battle in the Battle of Britain took place.
22nd September
Putting out the hare

It is also the first day of Autumn in the Celtic Calendar
In the northern hemisphere, the fall equinox marks the first day of fall (autumn)
Small animals retreated from advancing harvesters by hiding in the remaining crop,
and in times gone by, every farmer went to great lengths to ensure that his last field
would be harvested before a next-door neighbor.
Thus the call..."Have you put the hare out yet?"
Today is also Lúghnasa; in the old days, this was the Feast of the god Lúgh
15th October noon to 4:00 pm
Fall Ceilidh

Presented by the St. Andrew's Society of Sacramento
Greetings and salutations!
Back from several years of dissolution, the St. Andrew's Society invites you to the 2022 Fall Ceilidh. Come out to enjoy music (including the Sac City Pipe Band), dance, possible athletic demonstrations, food, and drink at the Fair Oaks VFW Park. The VFW Bar will be open and we hope to have one or more food trucks.
Cost: Nothing! Bring yourself, family, and friends. Tartans & Kilts are encouraged to be worn.
We must ask that no alcohol be brought onto the grounds.
Questions? Wish to be involved as a volunteer or vendor? Contact The SASS VP Travis Chatters at
(Registration is not required for this event)
Location: Fair Oaks VFW - Jim David Park
8990 Kruitof Way, Fair Oaks CA
Le meas coibhneil,
Saint Andrew's Society of Sacramento.
21st October
The Battle of Trafalgar

“England expects every man will do his duty”.
Admiral Nelson's crushing defeat of the French and Spanish Navies established Britain as the dominant world naval power for a century. As the British Fleet bore down on the Franco-Spanish line Nelson directed Lieutenant Pascoe, the signal officer of Victory, to send the signal to the Fleet “Nelson confides every man will do his duty.” Captain Hardy and Pascoe suggested this be changed to “England expects every man will do his duty”. Nelson agreed. As the signal ran up Victory’s halyard the Fleet burst into cheers. Nelson followed this with his standard battle signal “Engage the enemy more closely”. An American captain sailing into Cadiz assured the French admiral that Nelson was still in London. How wrong he was, in the forthcoming battle the French and Spanish Fleets were annihilated Although it cost Nelson his life, in his final letter Nelson asked that the Nation looks after his mistress, Lady Emma Hamilton, and their daughter, Horatia, but nothing was done and she died in poverty in Calais in 1815. You can trace any member of the British Fleet by searching this website:
25th October
Saint Crispin's Day

The Battle of Agincourt 1415
King Henry V's Welsh and English archers used a 6 ft. 6 in yew longbow in very large numbers against a numerically superior French army in Agincourt France, crippling its forces before they could engage in hand-to-hand fighting causing France to capitulate and Henry V to marry the French king's daughter.
25th October
The Charge of the Light Brigade

This was a failed military action involving the British light cavalry led by Lord Cardigan against Russian forces
during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War.
29th October 6:00 pm
60th Annual Caledonian Club Tartan Ball

The Caledonian Club of Sacramento presents its annual Tartan Ball.
With Entertainment, 6:00 pm Social Hour | 7:00 pm Dinner | 8:00 pm Dancing do come and enjoy a fun evening
for information, contact the Caledonian Club of Sacramento, Heritage Park Clubhouse. 2481 Heritage Park, Sacramento, CA.95816
31st October 1940
Battle of Britain

This day is generally considered to be the end of the Battle of Britain,
after the RAF caused considerable damage to the Luftwaffe it gave them supremacy in the air,
and caused Hitler to abandon his plans to invade Britain.
30th October 2:00 pm
House of Scotland

Lawn program
Annual Lawn Program. At the International Cottages in Balboa Park, San Diego.
This event takes place every year on the last Sunday in October. So come and enjoy the sound of bagpipes played by The House of Scotland Pipe Band! Highland Dancers and Scottish music performed by the House Of Scotland Ceilidh Band. Meat Pies, Bangers, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Lots of Great Desserts. Served from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm. The House of Scotland is a cultural organization whose purpose is to keep before the general public the music, traditions, history, and culture of Scotland. While most people join because either they, their spouse, or their ancestors were born in Scotland, a membership application is open to any person who wishes to learn about Scotland or Scottish culture House of Scotland is one of the International Cottages organized within the House of Pacific Relations to further the pursuit of "pacific" or peaceful relations among nations. House of Scotland. Meetings are held on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 11.30 am at the House of Scotland, International Cottages, Balboa Park, San Diego. Information: Dianne Schultz ( Club President.
5th November
Guy Fawkes Night.

Traditionally known as Bonfire Night is an annual celebration on the evening of the 5th November primarily in the United Kingdom. It celebrates the foiling of the Gunpowder Plot in which a group of Catholic conspirators, led by one Robert Catesby, and including Guy Fawkes, attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament in Westminster on the evening of 5th November 1605, when the Protestant King James VI of Scotland, his eldest sons, and the English Parliament were within its walls. The conspirators were later tortured and executed. The celebrations, which take place across the country, involve fireworks displays and the building of bonfires, on which "guys", or dummies, representing Guy Fawkes the most infamous of the conspirators, are traditionally burnt. Before the fifth, children traditionally used the "guys" to beg for money with the chant "Penny for the guy", although this is now rarely seen.
5th November 6:00-11:00 pm
73rd Annual Tartan Ball and Ceilidh

The Cameron Highlanders Pipe Band of San Diego will be hosting their 73rd Annual Tartan Ball and Ceilidh and fundraising raffle. No Host Cocktails at 6:00 P.M., Dinner at 7:00 P.M. ends at 11:00 P.M. Highland Floor Show and dancing, Tickets are available online at Tickets: 1-619-248-3179 also available by mail.
Ticket prices go up by $10 on October 1.
It will be held at the Scottish Rite Events Center, 1895 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108.
6th November 4:00 pm
Veterans Remembrance Service

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, is once again presenting a traditional Anglican evensong commemorating the service of American and British veterans. with Reception to follow in the Parish Hall. Last year's 100th anniversary Remembrance Day service was attended by members of Daughters of the British Empire in CA, United Services' Club, United Scottish Society, American Legion, British Legion, Royal Canadian Legion, and reps from the British Consulate in Los Angeles. Poppies will be available at the church door. Contact Edwina Clark, at 626-919-5500 for information or State President, DBE in CA Inc. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 100 N Third St, Covina, CA
11th November
Remembrance Day

If you haven't already ordered your Remembrance Day Poppies, then contact

12th November 6:00 pm
British United Service Club of Los Angeles

Commonwealth Night
British United Services Club (BUSC) has extended an invitation
to all St Andrew's members and their guests to participate in this special evening of celebration and recognition of the Commonwealth of Nations' mutual interests, past, present, and future. Dress for all Members and Guests: Gentlemen: Service Mess Dress or Black Tuxedo or Highland Evening Dress – all with Black Bow, Tie, and Miniatures. Ladies: Service Mess Dress with Miniatures, long gown/cocktail evening wear.
R.S.V.P. options. Please contact Robert B. Edmonds
email Robert B. Edmonds, Esq., MBE. at,
or phone him at: (626) 339-3644,
Altadena Town & Country Club. 2290 Country Club Drive. Altadena, CA 91001
12th November
Cameron's 74th Annual Tartan Ball

Cameron Highlanders
Enjoy an evening of great dining and dancing. Highland Floor Show, opportunity Drawing,
At The Scottish Rite Center 1895 Camino del Rio S, San Diego, CA 92108
Ticket Information: Elaine Shoemaker 619-463-0477 or P/M Charles R. Rosenberger at (619) 992-0479
Highlanders offer free instruction in Piping and Highland Drumming Wednesday nights at Helix High School, La Mesa, CA.
for Ticket information and on joining or hiring the band call, Elaine Shoemaker at 619-463-0477
or visit
13th November Noon and 1:00 pm
Twenty One Gun Salute

HRH The Prince of Wales' Birthday:
In London, salutes are fired in Hyde Park by the King's Troop Royal Horse Artillery and at The Tower of London.
Green Park is used instead of Hyde Park. The number of rounds fired in a Royal Gun Salute depends on the place and occasion. The basic salute is 21 rounds. In Hyde Park and The Green Park, an extra 20 rounds are added because they are a Royal Park. Gun salutes are usually fired at midday.
Salutes are not fired on Sundays, so if the date falls on a Sunday, the salute will take place the next day.
20th November 1947
Princess Elizabeth marries Philip Mountbatten

In a lavish wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London, Princess Elizabeth marries her distant cousin, Philip Mountbatten, a dashing former prince of Greece and Denmark who renounced his titles in order to marry the English princess. Princess Elizabeth, the heir to the British throne, was 21 years old. Philip Mountbatten, age 26, had fought as a British naval officer during World War II and was made the Duke of Edinburgh on the eve of his wedding to Elizabeth. The celebrations surrounding the wedding of the popular princess lifted the spirits of the people of Britain, who were enduring economic difficulties in the aftermath of World War II.
30th November
Saint Andrews Day.

St Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland, and in many countries with Scottish connections, St Andrew's Day is marked with a celebration of Scottish culture with traditional food, music, and Ceilidhs. St Andrew's flag is in the form of a white X on a blue background and is commonly known as The Saltire, and is the flag of Scotland. Besides being the patron to Saint to fishermen, his patronage extends to fishmongers, singers, spinsters, maidens, old maids, and women wishing to become mothers. St Andrew's Day marks the beginning of Scotland's winter festivals.
24th December
1914 WW1 Unofficial Christmas Truce

The Christmas truce occurred during a series of widespread but unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front of World War I around Christmas 1914. Hostilities had entered somewhat of a lull as leadership on both sides reconsidered their strategies following the stalemate of the Race to the Sea and the indecisive result of the First Battle of Ypres. In the week leading up to Christmas day German and, British soldiers crossed trenches to exchange seasonal greetings and talk. In some areas, men from both sides ventured into no man's land on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to mingle and exchange food and souvenirs. There were joint burial ceremonies and prisoner swaps, while several meetings ended in carol-singing. Men from both sides played games of football with one another.
25th December

From the British Irish Social News
26th December
Boxing Day in Kingdom

Boxing Day in the UK is the day after Christmas Day and falls on December 26th. Traditionally, it was a day when employers distributed money, food, cloth (material), or other valuable goods to their employees. In modern times, it is an important day for sporting events and the start of post-Christmas sales.
1st January 2023
Hogmanay Celebrations

Historians believe that we inherited the celebration from the Vikings who, coming from even further north than ourselves, paid even more attention to the passing of the shortest day. In Shetland, where the Viking influence was strongest, New Year is called Yules, from the Scandinavian word. There are traditions before midnight such as cleaning the house on 31st December (including taking out the ashes from the fire in the days when coal fires were common). There is also the superstition to clear all your debts before "the bells" at midnight. Immediately after midnight, it is traditional to sing Robert Burns'"For Auld Lang Syne". Burns claimed it was based on an earlier fragment and certainly the tune was in print over 80 years before he published his version in 1788. "First footing" (that is, the "first foot" in the house after midnight is considered to be a harbinger of the household's luck for the year.) is not as common as it used to be in Scotland. To ensure good luck for the house, the first foot should be male, dark (believed to be a throwback to the Viking days when blond strangers arriving on your doorstep meant trouble), and should bring symbolic coal, shortbread, salt, black bun, and whisky. These days, however, whisky and perhaps shortbread are the only items still prevalent.
5th January
Twelfth Night

Christian tradition dating back to the 4th century marks Twelfth Night, the end of Christmas, and the Eve of the Epiphany.
This is the time to take down your Christmas tree and pack away your decorations again. That means you cannot enjoy your twinkling lights any longer. Be warned leaving your decorations up after this date is thought to bring bad luck.
8th January
Plough Monday

Is the traditional start of the English agricultural year. While local practices may vary, Plough Monday is generally the first Monday after Twelfth Day (Epiphany), the 8th of January. References to Plough Monday date back to the late 15th century. The day before Plough Monday is sometimes referred to as Plough Sunday. The day traditionally saw the resumption of work after the Christmas period. In some areas, particularly in northern England and East England, a plow was hauled from house to house in a procession, collecting money. They were often accompanied by musicians, an old woman or a boy dressed as an old woman, called the "Bessy", and a man in the role of the "fool". 'Plough Pudding' is a boiled suet pudding, containing meat and onions. It is from Norfolk and is eaten on Plough Monday. From George Walker's The Costumes of Yorkshire, 1814.
25th January
Robert Burns Birthday”

On January 25th, 1759 Scotland's national bard, Robert Burns, was born in Alloway Scotland.
For a century or more the Scots and their far-flung descendants have celebrated the anniversary with feasting and enthusiastic recitations from the poet's works, which custom decrees should include verses of his renowned poem."Address to a Haggis"
25th January
St. Dwynwen's Day

Welsh equivalent to Valentine's Day
The story goes that Dwynwen fell in love with Maelon Dafodrill, but unfortunately her father had already arranged that she should marry someone else. In her grief, Dwynwen fled to the woods, where she begged God to make her forget Maelon. After falling asleep, Dwynwen was visited by an angel, who appeared carrying a sweet potion designed to erase all memory of Maelon and turn him into a block of ice. God then gave three wishes to Dwynwen. First, she wished that Maelon be thawed, second that God meets the hopes and dreams of true lovers, and third that she should never marry. All three were fulfilled, and as a mark of her thanks, Dwynwen devoted herself to God's service for the rest of her life. Dwynwen became a nun, fulfilling her wish to never marry, and left for the island of Anglesey to build a Church. This is referred to as Llanddwyn, literally meaning "Church of Dwynwen". Remains of Dwynwen's church can be seen today on the island of Llanddwyn, off the coast of Anglesey.
26th January
Australia Day is the official national day of Australia.
Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at that site by Governor Arthur Phillip.
1st February
St Brigid's Day

Cross of Saint Bhride
St. Brigid has long been a favorite saint of Ireland, second only to St. Patrick in terms of the number of customs that asked for her blessing and guidance. She is believed to have been born in Co. Louth, and is credited with converting many Irish tribes to Christianity, and establishing what could possibly be the oldest Irish monastery in Co. Kildare. St. Brigid "Muire na nGael" ("Mary of the Irish") is less well known outside of Ireland. Her feast day is linked to the Celtic festival of Imbolc, heralding the return of spring on February 1. The Celtic Goddess Bríd was regarded as a goddess of healing and the ancient Celts acknowledged her on this day as the day that signaled renewal, new growth, and escape from darkness.
2nd February

In the West, the date of Christmas is now fixed at December 25, and Candlemas, therefore, falls on the following February 2. In Christian belief, this festival celebrates the presentation of Christ in the Temple in Jerusalem 40 days after his birth (as Jewish custom required), and the purification ceremony of the Virgin Mary at the same time. The eve of Candlemas was the day on which Christmas decorations and greenery were removed from people's homes and churches. The superstitious believed that if all traces of berries, holly, and so forth weren't removed there would be death among the congregation before the year was out. Nowadays any Christmas decorations not taken down by Twelfth Night (January 5th) should be left up until Candlemas Day and then taken down.
This festival also marks the mid-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
In the United States and Canada, Candlemas evolved into Groundhog Day celebrated on the same date and is around the time that bears and wolves emerged from winter hibernation to inspect the weather. If they chose to return to their lairs on this day it was interpreted as meaning severe weather would continue for another forty days at least.
Sailors were often reluctant to set sail on Candlemas Day, believing that any voyage begun then will end in disaster — and let's face it, given the frequency of severe storms around the UK in February, this is not entirely without sense.
6th February
Queen Elizabeths 71st year on the Throne.

Queen Elizabeth II is being celebrated this year, in Britain and the Commonwealth to mark the 71sh anniversary of her accession to the throne on 6 February 1952.
6th February
Waitangi Day

Commemorates a significant day in the history of New Zealand.
It is a public holiday held each year on 6 February to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi, New Zealand's founding document, on that date in 1840.
14th February.
Saint Valentine day

Saint Valentine (in Latin, Valentinus) is a widely recognized third-century Roman saint commemorated on February 14 and associated since the Middle Ages with a tradition of courtly love. Legion has it that he was a kind-hearted Roman imprisoned for his beliefs, and while in custody converted members of a guard's families to Christianity, writing small notes to their children.(Valentine cards?) Emperor Claudius found out about it and had him put to death on Via Flaminia in the north of Rome. (nothing about roses, chocolates, and expensive jewelry!)
14th February.
Valentines Day

Say it with Flowers!
Valentine’s Day provides a chance to remind your significant others how much you care about them.
Information on sending flowers in Los Angels and Orange County 562 925-6910
or go to check it out on Yelp.
19th February
Prince Andrew.

Born: February 19, 1960 (age 59), in Buckingham Palace, London
Full name: Andrew Albert Christian Edward He is the namesake of his paternal grandfather,
Prince Andrew of Greece and Denmark, and is the second son and third child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He holds the actual rank of commander and the honorary rank of rear admiral in the Royal Navy, in which he served as an active-duty helicopter pilot and later an instructor in helicopter flight. He saw active service during the Falklands War, flying on multiple missions. missile decoy and casualty evacuation.Spouse: Sarah Ferguson; Duchess of York (m. 1986–1996)The Duke is a keen golfer and supporter of Norwich City Football Club.
21st February
Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, or as our American cousins call it Fat Tuesday

Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, (Fat Tuesday) heralds the beginning of fasting in Lent.
On this day (so the historians say) there were feasts of pancakes to use up the supplies of fat, butter, and eggs - foods that were forbidden during austere Lent. In England, there are several celebrations on this day but perhaps the best-known one is the Pancake Day Race at Olney in Buckinghamshire which has been held since 1445. The race came about when a woman cooking pancakes heard the shriving bell summoning her to confession. She ran to church wearing her apron and still holding her frying pan, and thus without knowing it, started a tradition that has lasted for over five hundred years. According to the current rules, only women wearing a dress, no slacks or jeans, an apron, and a hat or scarf, may take part in the race. Each contestant has a frying pan containing a hot, cooking pancake. She must toss it three times during the race that starts at the market square at 11.55 am. The winner is the first woman to complete the winding 375-meter course (the record is 63 seconds set in 1967) and arrive at the church, serve her pancake to the bellringer, and be kissed by him. She also receives a prayer book from the vicar. Shrove Tuesday sees the start in Ashbourne, Derbyshire of the world’s oldest, largest, longest, and maddest football game. The game is played over two days and involves thousands of players, The goals are three miles apart & there are only a few rules. The ball is a hand-painted, cork-filed ball.
25th February 8:00 pm
Scottish American Military Society Post 1921

Annual Formal Dinner
All of you are invited, kilts are not required but it’s an opportunity to dress up.
The No host bar opens at 6:00 pm followed by an Opening ceremony and dinner at 6:30 pm
The ticket price for dinner is $50 per person Guest speaker TBA.
Make check out to Chuck Jamison and send to:
9382 Blue Oak Drive Orangevale, CA 95662
Please include your choice of entree
Grilled, sliced Tri-Tip with Mushroom Demi Or Seared Salmon with Lemon Cream sauce.
Entrees include fresh vegetables, potatoes, and salad, rolls, coffee, and tea, Vegetarian plate available (order off the menu)
Lions Gate Hotel, 3410 Westover St, Sacramento, CA
The old McClellan AFB Officers Club.
They are planning to meet at the Club on Friday night to celebrate Saturday there is the opportunity to tour many of the local sights including the Aerospace Museum of California at McClellan and Old Town Sacramento the California Rail Museum and other historical sites. If you would like to spend the night at Lions Gate, individual reservations can be made by calling 916-643-6222. Individuals to pay their own room, tax, and incidental charges incurred while at the hotel facility.
25th-26th February
The Riverside Dickens Festival
The 2023 Riverside Dickens Festival of Wit & Wisdom
Main Street Pedestrian Mall near City Hall in Historic Downtown Riverside. CA
Please visit our website at for more information and to purchase tickets phone (951) 781-3168
25th February
Pickwick's Pub Night Fundraiser 6:00 pm

Mr. Pickwick once again invites everyone to join him to kick off the Riverside Dickens Festival for February 21st & 23rd February. with “Mr. Pickwick’s Predicament” Please visit our website at for more information and to purchase tickets
Tickets for all events are sold separately and available online at
For more information go to Phone: (951) 781-3168
25th February 8:00 pm
Mr. Fezziwig’s Ball

Return to the romantic times of Mr. Dickens and Queen Victoria.
The ball is managed as it would have been in Victorian times complete with dance cards and beautifully dressed ladies and gentlemen twirling about the dance floor. Mr. and Mrs. Fezziwig will be on hand to welcome you to their beautiful, Victorian ball. Once again this very popular event will be held at the Riverside Municipal Auditorium with its fantastic hardwood floor made for dancing. Be among the 250 guests who will don their finest Victorian attire to swirl around the room to the live music of Whirled Peas. Our Dance Master, Tom Willson, will guide the dancers through Quadrilles, waltzes, and polkas for this evening of elegant enjoyment. Purchase your tickets early and why not pick up a couple extra as a holiday gift for friends or family. Please visit our website at for more information and to purchase tickets.
In Riverside Municipal Auditorium 3485 Mission Inn Avenue, Riverside, CA Historic Downtown Riverside on the Pedestrian Mall near City Hall. For more information go to Phone: (951) 781-3168
25th February
The Tavern at Riverside Dickens Festival:

While strolling down Main Street, taking in the sights of the Riverside Dickens Festival, you may hear the raucous sounds of music, laughter, and general merriment. These sounds mean you are near The Tavern and Bad Baby Babs, the Madame of the Tavern is waiting for you with a pint of ale and a song in her heart!. Come in, sit down and prepare yourself for an afternoon of entertainment, live music, and dancing Can-Can girls. But be warned, once you enter through the Tavern doors, you may never want to leave! Doors open at 11:00 a.m. and remain open for the duration of the Festival. This is a 21 and older venue – valid state-issued identification is required. NO EXCEPTIONS. Historic Downtown Riverside on the Pedestrian Mall near City Hall. For more information go to Phone: (951) 781-3168
25th-26th February
The Royal Victorian Tea Room & Music Hall

The Tea Room is located downstairs at the historic First Congregational Church, Mission Inn Avenue, and Lemon Street.
2 blocks from the main festival location.First Congregational Church – $25
Saturday, February 19th – 11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4:00 p.m.
Sunday, February 20th – 11:30 a.m., 2:00 p.m.
Tickets for all events are sold separately and available online at
For more information go to Phone: (951) 781-3168
1st March
Saint David's Day (Welsh: Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant)

Today is the feast day of Saint David, the patron saint of Wales, and was chosen in remembrance of his death in 589 and has been celebrated by followers since then. The date was declared a national day of celebration within Wales in the 18th century. Saint David's Day is not a national holiday in Britain or Northern Ireland. Similarly in the United States of America, it has regularly been celebrated, although it is not an official holiday. It is celebrated by Welsh societies throughout the world with dinners, parties, and eisteddfodau.
5th March 1:00 pm
The Sexiest Kilt Competition

will be held again on Sunday, at Muldoon's Pub & Country Kitchen Public is invited.
Go online for details. Contestants are wanted. Great Fun and Prizes!
Andy Scott is the MC (Funny guy and a bagpiper)
202 Newport Center Dr.Newport Beach, CA
Call: 949 640-4110!
17th March

17th March.
Saint Patrick 493 AD

Pádraig is Irish for Patrick and the nickname "Paddy's" is derived from this name. Patrick (Patricius in Latin) was an English Roman Subject. From possibly somewhere in Wales, roundabout 387 AD. He was a Christian Missionary to Ireland and died in Ireland on March 17 493 AD.!
17th March 11:00am-2:00pm
16th Annual St. Paddy's Pub Crawl

Irish Pub Crawl on the Big RED Bus! You do the drinking we'll do the driving! There is no better way to enjoy St Patrick's Day than on the Big RED Bus! (Loading at10:45am) Breakfast Time: 10-10:45 am (Beer or Irish Coffee included with breakfast!) Pick up: best $30 you'll spend on St Paddies!
Ticket Includes: Irish Pubs w/ no lines or cover charge + drink specials
Cruising the coastline on a topless Double-Decker Bus St Paddy's day SWAG for all passengers
MORE surprises onboard so Take the afternoon off to celebrate the luck of the Irish
Seating is limited. A credit card is needed to hold the reservation, but only for authorization.
Cash only is accepted on the day of the event. Cancellations: No refunds
Reservations Needed: Please call 562-888-2870 or
email to reserve your spot.
Reserve your seats for our most popular event of the year!
19th March 9:00 am
Calling All British Bull Dog Owners

The annual Bulldog Beauty Contest presented by Haute dogs Costumes are optional
• 9 a.m.: National (English) Bulldog Beauty Contest
blue ribbon• 9:40 a.m.: Best Senior Dog (all breeds/mixes, ages 7+)
NEW • 9:50 a.m. Best Siblings (dogs in the same household or dogs from the same litter; all breeds/mixes; ages 4 months & older)
• 10 a.m.: National Mutt Show (any mixed breed)
• 10:20 a.m.: Best Young Dog (16 weeks to 1 year; all breeds/mixes)
• 10:30 a.m.: Best French Bulldog
• 10:40 a.m.: Best in Show (all breeds/mixes)
• 11 a.m.: Best Adopted/Rescued Dog (all dogs; all mixes/breeds)
• 11:10 a.m.: Most Handsome Dog (all male dogs; all mixes/breeds)
• 11:20 a.m.: Prettiest Dog (all-female dogs; all mixes/breeds)
• 11:40 a.m.: Best Small Dog (generally 20 lbs. or less and/or shorter than 16 inches; not puppies)
• 11:50 a.m. Best Large Dog (generally 60+ lbs.)
The Bulldog beauty contest will be the main event at this year's Haute Dog Contests produced by beauty pageant coach and bulldog enthusiast Justin Rudd. In addition to the Bulldog contest, Rudd is again including contests for Senior Dogs (all breeds/mixes, ages 7 & older), Best in Show (all dogs, breeds, mixes), the National Mutt Show, Small Dogs, and Large Dogs, and other contests, at the new location:
On the concrete boat launch ramp next to Rosie's Dog Beach!
In Long Beach, California. For more details visit
26th March
Mothering Sunday in Great Britain

Don't forget your mother just because you're not there.
Mothering Sunday, sometimes known as Mother's Day, is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before Easter Sunday and usually falls in the second half of March or the beginning of April. Traditionally, people visited the church where they were baptized. Mothering Sunday is now a celebration of motherhood. People visit and take gifts to their mothers and grandmothers Traditionally, people observed a fast during Lent. Lent is the period from Ash Wednesday until Good Friday. During the Lent fast, people did not eat sweet, rich foods or meat. However, the fast was lifted slightly on Mothering Sunday and many people prepared a Simnel cake to eat with their family on this day. A Simnel cake is a light fruit cake covered with a layer of marzipan and with a layer of marzipan baked into the middle of the cake. Simnel cakes are decorated with 11 or 12 balls of marzipan, representing the 11 disciples and, sometimes, Jesus Christ. One legend says that the cake was named after Lambert Simnel who worked in the kitchens of Henry VII of England sometime around the year 1500.
1st April
April Fool Day

1857 Washing the Lions" at the Tower of London
Or All Fools' Day is one of the most light-hearted days of the year, it has been celebrated since the 19th century, but Its origins are uncertain. The day is not a national holiday in any country, but it is well known in Canada, Europe, Australia, Brazil, and the United States, where it is celebrated as a day when people play practical jokes and hoaxes on each other. The jokes and their victims are known as "April fools". Hoax stories may be reported by the press and other media on this day and explained on subsequent days.
2nd April (1982)
The Start of the Falklands War

The Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas), also known as the Falklands Conflict, Falklands Crisis, and the Guerra del Atlántico Sur (Spanish for "South Atlantic War"), was a ten-week war between Argentina and the United Kingdom over two British overseas territories in the South Atlantic: the Falkland Islands and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.
5th April
National Tartan Day in the USA

"There's a wee bit of Scotland in everyone"
Tartan Day derives from the US Senate Resolution 155, passed in March 1998, to recognize the contribution that Scottish Americans played in the founding and shaping of the United States. It is estimated that there are 6 million people who claim Scottish Descent. Tartan Day is held on April 6, the anniversary of the date on which the Declaration of Arbroath was created in 1320, the first known formal Declaration of Independence. National Tartan Day is an opportunity to celebrate all Americans who claim Scottish ancestry, and we are especially grateful for the service in our Armed Forces of Scottish Americans who have answered the call to protect our Nation.
6th April 2021
Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday (also known as Holy Thursday) is a movable feast in the Christian calendar.
It falls during Holy Week, three days before Easter, and commemorates the Maundy and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles as described in the Canonical gospels. In Britain today, the Queen follows a very traditional role of giving Maundy Money which is specially made for the occasion to a group of pensioners. The tradition of the Sovereign giving money to the poor dates from the 13th century, during the reign of Edward I. At one time recipients were required to be of the same sex as the Sovereign, but since the eighteenth century, they have numbered as many men and women. The coins are given in special white and red leather purses. The white purse contains silver Maundy coins matching the Queen's age in pence, while the red purse contains ordinary money. Yeomen of the Guards carry the Maundy Money on golden alms trays on their heads. The service takes place at a different cathedral or abbey each year and people are chosen to receive the money because of the good work they have done in their community.
8th April
Grand National.

Often called the world’s greatest steeplechase.
This will be the 175th annual running of world-famous England's National Hunt, Grand National steeplechase horse race at the Aintree Racecourse near Liverpool, England. It is a handicap chase containing thirty fences which are run over a distance of 4 miles and 856 yards (7,242 m) Check your local pub or club to see if they are showing this race.
19th April
Primrose Day

Primrose Day is a special day in memory of British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli (Lord Beaconsfield), who died on 19 April 1881. He was Britain's first, and to date only, Jewish Prime Minister. He was a close friend of Queen Victoria and shared her love of the English countryside. Queen Victoria sent a wreath of primroses to Disraeli's funeral. Today people pay tribute to the statesman by wearing primroses. There is a bronze statue of Lord Beaconsfield in Parliament Square, which is decorated with primroses every year on the anniversary of his death.
23rd April
Saint George Day

St George is the Patron Saint of England.
His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag.
St George's emblem was adopted by Richard The Lion Heart and brought to England in the 12th century.
The king's soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid confusion in battle
23rd April
William Shakespeare’s Official Birthday
The most famous of all English playwrights was born (officially) and died on St Georges's Day
His birthday is (usually!) celebrated on 23rd April in Stratford-upon-Avon.
25th April
Anzac Day

Remembering Gallipoli, 1916
The date itself marks the anniversary of the landing of New Zealand and Australian soldiers – the Anzacs – on the Gallipoli Peninsula in 1915. The aim was to capture the Dardanelles, the gateway to the Bosporus and the Black Sea. At the end of the campaign, Gallipoli was still held by its Turkish defenders. Anzac Day commemorates not only all the Thousands of Australian and New Zealanders who lost their lives in the Gallipoli campaign: 87,000 Turks, 44,000 men from France, and the British Empire, including 8500 Australians and 2721 New Zealanders, but also Honour’s returned servicemen and women.
7th May 1945
VE Day

On Monday, May 7th at 02.41. German General Jodl signed the unconditional surrender document that formally ended the war in Europe. Winston Churchill was informed of this event at 07.00. While no public announcements had been made, large crowds gathered outside of Buckingham Palace and shouted: “We want the King”. The Home Office issued a circular (before any official announcement) instructing the nation on how they could celebrate “Bonfires will be allowed, but the government trusts that only material with no salvage value will be used.”: British Legion has a short supply of V E Day pins for sale at the Poppy shop online.!poppy-shop-usa/c11pg
7th May.
99th Combined Cavalry Old Comrades Parade

On Hyde Park this Sunday 8th May 2022 in London.
Around 1,000 veterans and serving officers of the Household Cavalry will take part in this annual parade, to pay tribute to fallen comrades. Accompanied by the Household Cavalry Lifeguards Regiment and Blues and Royals Regiment military band. The tradition is for Officers to dress in the so-called “City suit”, carrying umbrellas, wearing black bowler hats and dark suits rather than ceremonial uniforms, this is intended to reflect pre-World War I “proper order of dress”. Whenever they are in London on duty. On parade, however, their rolled-up brollies must remain unfurled, regardless of the weather.
The 98th Combined Cavalry Old Comrades Associations Annual Parade and Service 2022 | Hyde Park Cavalry Memorial, Twickenham,
8th May 1945
V-E Day is celebrated

On this day in 1945, both Great Britain and its Allies celebrate Victory in Europe Day.
Cities in both nations, as well as formerly occupied cities in Western Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazi war machine.
14th May
Mothers Day USA.

The earliest Mother's Day celebrations were the ancient Greek spring celebrations in honor of Rhea, the mother of the gods. England's "Mothering Sunday," began in the 1600s, and is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, to honor the mothers of England. In 1905, Anna Jarvis started a drive to establish a national Mother's Day in America, when she passed out 500 white carnations at her mother's church in West Virginia--one for each mother in the congregation. In 1908 on May 10th (the second Sunday in May, her church held the first Mother's Day service. By 1909, churches in 46 states, Canada and Mexico were holding Mother's Day services. In 1912, West Virginia was the first state to designate an official Mother's Day. By 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed the resolution, establishing an official national Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May. Many countries of the world now have their own Mother's Day at different times of the year. By any name or any date, it's a special day to honor a special person.
Mother's Day 2023 Will Be a $23 Billion Cash Cow. Mother's Day spending this year will top $23 billion, according to the National Retail Federation's annual Mother's Day spending survey. Americans will spend an average of $186.39 on mom this year. Seventy-seven percent plan to send a greeting card, according to the survey and Hallmark reports that Mother's Day is the third most popular card-sending holiday behind Christmas and Valentine's Day. About 69% of Americans will send mom flowers. And 36% plan to buy mom jewelry. The National Restaurant Association, reports that Mother's Day is the most popular holiday of the entire year to dine out, with nearly half of all Americans hitting a restaurant.
18th May 8:00 pm
Royal Wedding Anniversary

The marriage of Prince Harry and Ms. Meghan Markle took place at St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, and the cost of the whole event was paid for by the Royal family. The country enjoyed a day of national celebration. The service was conducted by the Dean of Windsor, The Rt Revd. David Conner, whilst the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, officiated. The Lord Chamberlain's Office managed the ceremonial parts of the day. Members of the Household Cavalry line the St George's Chapel staircase, and members from the Windsor Castle Guard from 1st Battalion Irish Guards, and Armed Forces personnel from the Royal Navy Small Ships and Diving, the Royal Marines, 3 Regiment Air Army Corps, The Royal Gurkha Rifles and RAF Honington line the streets within the precincts of Windsor Castle.
24th to 28th May
Chelsea Flower Show

The world’s greatest flower show returns in spring with stunning garden designs, gorgeous floral displays, and endless shopping. The RHS Chelsea Flower Show, formally known as the Great Spring Show, is a garden show held for five days in May by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) on the grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea in Chelsea, London. Held at Chelsea since 1912, the show is attended by members of the British Royal Family. Highlights to the Chelsea Flower Show include the avant-garde show gardens designed by leading names with Floral Marquee at the centerpiece. The Show also features smaller gardens such as the Artisan and Urban Gardens.
Information and Tickets:
Proceeds from all ticket sales support the charitable work of the RHS.
27th-28th May 
Daughters of the British Empire

Please visit our booth at the Scottish Games in Costa Mesa over Memorial Day weekend.
All ladies with British Commonwealth heritage are eligible to join DBE in the USA.
For more information contact: State President Carole Thomas Tel: 714-486-3246, DBE in California.
31st May 1916
Battle of Jutland Centenary

A Remembrance Service will be held in Plymouth to mark the Battle of Jutland.
The Battle of Jutland was the most significant naval engagement of the First World War, with more than 100,000 sailors involved on 250 ships. More than 6,000 Royal Navy and 2,500 German sailors lost their lives, in what was the biggest and most brutal naval battle of the First World War.
4th June noon-6:30 pm
The Mother Lode Scots

Annual Picnic
Will be held at Deaver Vineyards in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley. The picnic will be held amongst the beautiful old oak trees and grassy expanses with the lovely Deaver Pond as a backdrop. This is a potluck gathering so they must know who will attend to give you your food assignment. Also, they need to know how many are attending to get the correct amount of meets for the Barbie! The MLS is supplying the meats!!!! All are invited to come out with family and friends; bring a musical instrument or two with you! This is a bring your own drink affair but, of course, there is wine tasting on-site! Information:
Stuart McNaughtan Mother Lode Scots, Deaver Vineyards. 2455 Steiner Road. Plymouth, California
Wear your kilt.
6th June
Operation Neptune or D-Day

The Normandy landings were the landing operations on 6th June 1944 of the Allied forces in Normandy during World War II. Called Operation Overlord, codenamed operation Neptune and often referred to as D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. Landing some 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in France to liberate Western Europe from German occupation. The allied soldiers quickly broke through the Atlantic Wall and pushed inland to victory.
10th June
The Queen's Birthday

Or The Trooping of the Colours will be held on Horse Guards Parade.
The custom of Trooping the Colour dates back to the time of Charles II in the 17th Century when the Colours of a regiment were used as a rallying point in battle and were therefore trooped in front of the soldiers every day to make sure that every man could recognize those of his own regiment. The first mention of The Sovereign's Birthday being ' kept' was in 1748, it was ordered that parades should mark the King's Birthday, and with a few exceptions notably the two World Wars, it is an annual event. Over 1400 officers and men are on parade, together with two hundred horses; over four hundred musicians from ten bands and corps of drums march and play as one. Some 113 words of command are given by the Officer in Command of the Parade. The parade route extends from Buckingham Palace along The Mall to Horse Guards Parade, Whitehall, and back again. Since 1987 The Queen has attended in a carriage rather than riding, which she did before that on 36 occasions, riding side-saddle and wearing the uniform of the regiment whose Colour was being trooped. Precisely as the clock on the Horse Guards Building strikes eleven, the Royal Procession arrives and The Queen takes the Royal Salute. The parade begins with the Inspection, The Queen driving slowly down the ranks of all eight Guards and then past the Household Cavalry. After the event, the Royal Family gathers on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to watch an RAF flypast.
11th June
The British & Commonwealth Society of N.America

It Will be held on the afternoon of 11th June 2023
Annual Commonwealth Day brunch celebration and Annual General Membership Meeting at the Ft Myer Officer's Club
Arlington, Virginia. B&CSNA information: Veronica Barker-Bazel at or 571-490-1970.
14th June (1982)
End of Falkland War

The Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas), was a ten-week war between Argentina and the United Kingdom over two British overseas territories in the South Atlantic: the Falkland Islands, and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. It began on Friday, 2 April 1982, when Argentina invaded and occupied the Falkland Islands in an attempt to establish the sovereignty it had claimed over them. On 5 April, the British government dispatched a naval task force to engage the Argentine Navy and Air Force before making an amphibious assault on the islands. The conflict lasted 74 days and ended with the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982, returning the islands to British control. In total, 649 Argentine military personnel, 255 British military personnel, and three Falkland Islanders died during the hostilities
16th June
Bloomsday Celebration

To celebrate the life of Irish writer James Joyce and relive the events in his novel Ulysses, all of which took place on the same day in Dublin in 1904. The name derives from Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Ulysses.BLOOMSDAY (a term Joyce himself did not employ) was invented in 1954, the 50th anniversary, when John Ryan and the novelist Flann O'Brien organized, what was to be a daylong pilgrimage along the Ulysses route? They were joined by Patrick Kavanagh, Anthony Cronin, Tom Joyce, and AJ Leventhal (Registrar of Trinity College). Ryan had engaged two horse-drawn cabs, of the old-fashioned kind, which in Ulysses Mr. Bloom and his friends drive to poor Paddy Dignam's funeral. The party was assigned roles from the novel, planning to travel around the city through the day, visiting scenes of the novel, ending at night in what had once been the brothel quarter of the city, the area which Joyce had called Nightgown? unfortunately, the pilgrimage was abandoned halfway through when the weary Lestrygonians succumbed to inebriation at the Bailey pub in the city Centre, which Ryan then owned, and at wherein 1967, he installed the door to No. 7 Eccles Street (Leopold Bloom’s front door) having rescued it from demolition.
18th June
Fathers Day in The USA and the British Isles

Father's Day is observed on the third Sunday in June. It honors all fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, and father figures for their contributions. It was created to complement Mother's Day. It is not a national holiday. Businesses will be open or closed based on the day of the week, Father's Day is a time to recognize fathers and father figures who have influenced your life. It is celebrated through cards, dining out, gifts such as electronic gadgets, sports attire, tools, or time spent together. Schools (if in session) and other children's programs commonly have activities to make Father's Day gifts.
18th June (1815)
The Battle of Waterloo

Charge of the Scots Greys at Waterloo.
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday 18th June 1815 near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands
An Imperial French army under the command of Emperor Napoleon was defeated by combined armies of the Seventh Coalition, an Anglo-Allied army under the command of the Duke of Wellington combined with a Prussian army under the command of Gebhard von Blücher. It was the culminating battle of the Waterloo Campaign and Napoleon's last. The defeat at Waterloo put an end to Napoleon's rule as Emperor of the French and marked the end of his Hundred Days' return from exile.
1st July
Canada Day (French: Fête du Canada)

Canada day is a federal holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the British North America Act, which united three colonies (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and the United Province of Canada) into a single country called Canada within the British Empire. Originally called Dominion Day ( Le Jour de la Confédération), the holiday was renamed in 1982, the year the Canada Act was enacted, resulting in the patriation of the Constitution of Canada. Canada Day observances take place throughout Canada, as well as among Canadians internationally.
4th July
Happy Birthday Cousins

Variously known as the Fourth of July and Independence Day, July 4th has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941, but the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the American Revolution (1775-83). In June 1776, representatives of the 13 colonies declare their independence from Great Britain. On July 2nd, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later its delegates adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. The formal end of the war did not occur until the Treaty of Paris (for the U.S.) and the Treaties of Versailles (for the other Allies) were signed on September 3rd, 1783. The last British troops left New York City on Nov 25th,1783, and the Congress of the Confederation ratified the Paris treaty on January 14th,1784.
10th July 1940
Start of the Battle of Britain.

1940 Britain Battles for three and a half month’s to survive,
as the Nazi's air force attacked the country by air.
Clubs and Associations
The British Isles Family History Society U.S.A.

Meetings are free, open to the public, and typically held on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December) at the Los Angeles Family History Library,
10741 Santa Monica Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90025.
More information at or contact
Brits In LA & Industry Hollywood
Weekly Breakfast Club.

Every Tuesday this is a great place to meet the group, make new friends, and build on that sense of community. No need to make a reservation just stop in, pay the hostess, and join a table. Breakfast is only $15* (full English $18) including the tax – (please bring cash) However this doesn’t include the tip so please make sure to leave the servers a couple of dollars after your meal to show your appreciation. it’s not easy looking after 60-80 Brits! This includes Free bottomless tea and coffee and free valet. Last orders 11 am. There are HP Sauce and Marmite knocking around on the tables. If Craig and Eileen aren't in attendance please ask for Bernard (The mayor of the breakfast club and the friendliest man in the world) For more details contact Eileen Lee: Cecconi’s Restaurant. 8764 Melrose Ave, West Hollywood, ca 90048 Tel: 310 432 2000
Austin-Healey Association

California Monthly Meetings
Click for local events dates and times
Atlanta Ex-Pats Club

This is a site for all British ex-pats in the Atlanta area to chat, obtain advice, and meet once a month for good knees up!
Baltimore Ex-Pats Club

We are a group of British Expats currently living in and around Baltimore, MD.
We offer the finest in British banter, beer, and football discussions. The group currently meets on the third Saturday of each month for a few halves of lager shandy at a local bar or restaurant, and on an ad-hoc basis for dinner, parties, concerts; whatever anyone wants to organize. If you live in the Baltimore Area Join contact us at.
Big Apple BritsNew York

The Premier Social Networking Community in New York City for British Expats,
Anglophiles and lovers of Brit Culture. Our primary goal is to provide an established British Expat community and forum in NYC for new arrivals, weekend visitors & guests from the UK, as well as building upon great friendships and networking possibilities we offer in New York City and beyond, Check out our next social event :
Email: Web:
Caledonian and Shamrock Club's of Sacramento
Clubs Meet

The Caledonian Club of Sacramento and the Shamrock Club of Sacramento invited interested people to join them fr a no-host lunch. informal. Not political or religious. No business meeting. Just friendship. It would help if people who wish to attend would contact Sharon Young at
British United Services Club of Los Angeles

A club of British, former Commonwealth, and Allied forces observing formal British Officers Mess protocol
The BUSC normally meets at the Altadena Town & Country Club on the third Friday of each month, except for August (which is dark) For invitations and membership questions, please go to. to our membership page. Contact: Honorary Secretary Tom Mahan Tel: 661-993-4820 Web Address:
Daughters of the British Empire.

Chapter Events (DBE) So. Cal., Inc.
Ladies Do You have a drop of British or Commonwealth blood in your ancestry?
or are you the spouse of somebody that does? Then come join Daughters of the British Empire.
There are Five Chapters in Southern California that have monthly meetings.
For more information please contact: Contact: Shirley McIntosh Condon, Tele: 951-679-3786, Email:
For local monthly Chapter, activities click here
Daughters of the British Empire
The Walford Gazette
The EastEnders Fan Newspaper

From the East Coast to the West a must-read for loyal fans, there is no website any longer, but there is a Facebook page. For more details. contact the new publisher Holly Erickson at email Subscriptions are still $25.00 per year or $45.00 for 2 years. Cheques can be written to Holly Erickson- 2029 Powell St. San Francisco or, Paypal to
The Britannia Connection Inc.
Fallbrook California.

A non-profit (501C3) organization of women with an interest in all things British!
Hold monthly meetings on the last Thursday of each month, they are a nonprofit local service club, founded in 2013. Who engage in charitable fundraising, while also promoting fellowship among ladies of British and Commonwealth heritage and anyone with an interest in British culture living in Southern California. For further information, contact President: Vanessa A. Caldwell, Telephone: 760-598-2602 or 208-871-9644. E-Mail: Treasurer: Susannah E. Levicki. Telephone: 951-691-2048. E-Mail:
Where: Golf Club of California. 3742 Flowerwood Lane. Fallbrook, CA 92028

The Britannia Connection Inc.Fallbrook, CA 92028
The British and Commonwealth Society of North America

General Information
Membership -
P.O. Box 100171, Arlington, VA 22210-3171

Newfoundland Club
of California

The people of the island province of Newfoundland and Labrador, have always had to leave home in order to find employment. In the early days, people left to go out on the banking schooners. Later, people left to head to mainland Canada, & California. Being so far away from home, living in a foreign country, with a new way of life, friends, and culture, Newfoundlanders often feel that it is important to hang on to their roots. So we want to hear from you. Please drop us a line to say hello, send us a notification that you now live, or will be visiting Southern California as you'd like to meet some of us. Len Green Membership Officer. Newfoundland Club Of California
Cor Cymraeg De Califfornia

The Welsh Choir of Southern California
is looking for additional singers. Welsh language proficiency is not required as most of the choir are not native speakers and language tutoring is provided. The repertoire includes new music Featuring contemporary Welsh poets and composers, as well as traditional hymns & folk songs.
For more information contact Caroline at or 562.209.8184
Canadian Club
San Diego

Connecting Canadians and Friends-of-Canadians in San Diego. Did you go to a Canadian University?
Are you interested in Canada? Do you want to catch up with old friends and make new ones? Click here for upcoming events:
Canadian Expat Network

No Samaritan.
The poem's by Sean Gunning

London born and raised during the 60s, 70s, and 80s by Irish-Catholic parents Sean Gunning's 48 poems about love, war (not pro-war, not anti-war), loss and longing, remembrance and letting go, gratitude, homelessness, human frailty, the paradoxes of urban life, the struggle to be true, the creative process, and humor and laughter. You could say that in one way or another they're all love poems--in all their glory and brokenness. For only $10 (includes shipping & handling). you could read this collection of Poems
Order here:
Almost all sale proceeds will directly fund Tebot Bach's mission, including poetry workshops with the homeless, battered, and war-ravaged. Tebot Bach is a non-profit corporation, so all purchases are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support!
Amanda Scott's new Book.
The Kissing Stone
The Kissing Stone is out! This is the story of Katy MacFinlagh, daughter of Fin of the Battles, and Will Comyn … star-crossed lovers who will have to choose between their love and their clan loyalties. I hope you enjoy it. I had a lot of fun with this one, and it’s based on a true event. Set mostly in the Scottish Highlands or on the English-Scottish Border her historicals cover various historical periods and are usually part of a series.
Available now! Best sources, Amazon and Barnes and
Also, the eBook version is available from Early Bird Books, Amazon, and all other retailers, at $1.99. You don’t have to subscribe to EBB. Just go to Amazon or and search The Kissing Stone.
Suas Alba! also The Reluctant Highlander is also available.
More information call 978-1504-01619-3
Open Road:
Please visit my Facebook page:
The new UK Emergency Passport

From July 2009 the United Kingdom has started to introduce a new emergency passport. The new passports are digitally imaged, machine-readable, and compliant with IAGO 9303. They feature the latest thin-film laminate technology. They will be issued for emergency purposes to UK citizens overseas in circumstances where their full validity passport is not available e.g. where it has been lost or stolen. They can also be issued to unrepresented EU or Commonwealth citizens with the permission of their national governments. This is an emergency travel document that will be valid for less than one year, does not contain a chip, and has a limited number of pages for visas. We expect the document to be widely used by mid-2010. If we can't find you, we can't help you. Register with your local British Consular in case there's an emergency. It takes only a few minutes to register your overseas contact details and travel plans online. There is no need to contact us directly.
One of the most common questions is 'Where to get a UK passport picture here in the USA?'
A simple (and very cheap!) solution to finding a UK-size passport photo upload it to a free website such as then order a print online at CVS, Costco, etc. Total cost, 32 cents!
This information has been brought to you by.
To the best of my knowledge, the information provided is correct,
but please check with individual clubs & organizations to finalize event dates & tickets. If you received this email in error I apologize
to remove your name from this Information list or adding a friend simply by e-mail.

Michael Barnes: Editor. Rebecca Barnes: Photographer

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