Shakespeare Around The USA.

Dear friends:
Please check any events listed before you attend.

Open Reading of Shakespeare via Zoom?

We will continue to meet virtually on the first Tuesday of the month via Zoom, as long as it is recommended/required to do so.
6 great plays, new faces, and returning favorites!
We’re so excited to have the following plays and directors for our next season:
July and August: Henry IV Part 2, led by Kim Keeline.
September and October: Macbeth, led by Tom Haine.
November and December: Henry VIII, led by Charlie Riendeau
We recast after every scene. When you read Shakespeare out loud, the benefit to you will sharpen your reading skills whether you're an actor or someone who just enjoys speaking and hearing the wonderful poetry and sparkling language.
We will continue to meet virtually via Zoom, as long as it is recommended/required to do so.
If you have any questions, you can contact Kevin Manley, our Readings Coordinator: Kevin AT
Please check our website
17th July
1Hamlet,(Part One) Online Reading

Join us for a fun night of reading the play directed by Patrick McBride - part of our North County events!
Hamlet sees his dead dad's ghost, pretends to go crazy with revenge, actually goes crazy with revenge (debatable), and everyone dies.
A ZOOM link will be available to join the reading on the Online Event page or in your "My Tickets" section.
A bit more about the play: The ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son Hamlet to avenge his murder by killing the new king, Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet feigns madness, contemplates
life and death, and seeks revenge. His uncle, fearing for his life, also devises plots to kill Hamlet. The play ends with a duel, during which the King, Queen, Hamlet's opponent, and Hamlet himself are all killed.
To register go to
The San Diego Shakespeare Society
17th July-1st October
A Midsummer Night's Dream

by William Shakespeare Directed by Melora Marshall
Theatricum returns with its signature production, an annual event infusing Shakespeare’s beautiful language with music and song to heighten the pleasure.
The most magical outdoor setting in Los Angeles is once again transformed into an enchanted forest inhabited by fairy and human lovers. Shakespeare conjures a
world of wonder, magic, and romance where comical misunderstandings and the pain of unrequited love are resolved, and all is reconciled through midsummer night revelries
and the enduring power of nature.
Theatricum Botanicum – 1419 North Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Topanga, California 90290
Main Office 1-310-455-2322 Box Office 1-310-455-3723
17th July-2nd October
The Merry Wives of Windsor

by William Shakespeare Directed by Ellen Geer
Shakespeare’s buoyant comedy, is re-set in 1950s small-town America to a score of rockin’ 1950s tunes. When opportunistic schemer and womanizer John Falstaff blows into
town on his Harley and tries to woo two wealthy women at once, the townspeople gleefully plot his comeuppance. Things might seem picture-perfect in “Small Town U.S.A”
but just underneath the surface, the fight for women’s rights has begun in full force.
Theatricum Botanicum – 1419 North Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Topanga, California 90290
Main Office 1-310-455-2322 Box Office 1-310-455-3723
17th July to 7th August
Two Gentlemen Rock Verona

Thursday-Saturday @ 8pm, Sunday @ 2pm
Coronado Playhouse announces auditions for Two Gentlemen Rock Verona, a new musical edited and adapted by James Saba (San Diego Junior Theatre), which follows
the misadventures of two best friends, set in the rockin’ and rollin’ 1950s.
Tickets: (619) 435-4856
Coronado Playhouse, 1835 Strand Way, Coronado, CA 92118-3005
Attendance Policy: In keeping with San Diego County and California Department of Public Health guidelines (last updated March 2022), masks are strongly recommended
for everyone while in indoor public settings, whether you have been vaccinated or not.
2nd August 5:00 to 7:00 pm
Open Reading via Zoom

Henry IV Part 2, led by Kim Keeline.
FREE and ONLINE Shakespeare Reading from The San Diego Shakespeare Society
Bertram is compelled to marry Helena. Bertram refuses to consummate their marriage.
He goes to Italy. In Italy, he then courts Diana. Helena meets Diana. They perform the bed trick.
The play is considered one of Shakespeare's "problem plays", a play that poses complex ethical dilemmas that require more than typically simple solutions
There will be a ZOOM link to join the reading, available on the Online Event page or in your "My Tickets" section. REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE to receive the zoom. We will continue to meet virtually on the first Tuesday of the month via Zoom, as long as it is recommended/required to do so.
If you have any questions, you can contact Kevin Manley, our Readings Coordinator:
One benefit of reading Shakespeare out loud is sharpening your cold reading skills, whether you're an actor or someone who just enjoys speaking and hearing the wonderful poetry and sparkling language! Please check our website
Our 2022 Open Reading Series has 6 wonderful plays and 6 fantastic leaders!
3rd to 28th August
As You Like it

By William Shakespeare Directed by Dan Hodge
and presented by New Fortune Theatre Company outdoors in Point Loma. San Diego
Rosalind and her cousin escape into the forest and find Orlando, Rosalind's love.
Disguised as a boy shepherd, Rosalind has Orlando woo her under the guise of "curing" him of his love for Rosalind.
Rosalind reveals she is a girl and marries Orlando during a group wedding at the end of the play.
9530 La Jolla Shores Dr. La Jolla, CA 92037.
General Inquiries:
6th August to 4th September

Something unexpected is lurking behind you in this production of Shakespeare’s most seductive tragedy.
As night falls, you’ll be transported to an eerie world where characters appear from behind trees, magic is happening in the woods, and nothing is but what is not.
At The Griffith Park Free Shakespeare Festival this summer under the stars!
There are new protocols, so please read carefully. We can’t wait to see you there!
The performance site this season is the Dell is at the top of the Old Zoo in Griffith Park. Ample free parking is available. Look for the hot pink signs directing you to the parking lots near the Merry-Go-Round.
Parking lot 2 is the closest to the performance site, but be prepared for a bit of a walk up a hill.
If using Waze or Google Maps, search for Merry Go Round Lot Two.
Please note: don't park against curbs painted red and look out for "no parking" signs! Fire lanes are important for the safety of Griffith Park and they will be enforced!
If you are in need of ADA access, please call us at 818-710-6306 for information and to make any needed arrangements. Advance notice is appreciated.

The Desert Branch of the English Speaking Union (ESU) will be holding its Annual High School Shakespeare Competition at the Shadow Hills High School in Indio, CA. Preliminary presentations are at 9:30 a.m. Final presentations and selection of winners at 1:00 p.m. For information
9th April
Shakespeare in Denver.

Festival for students now celebrating their 36th year
The Denver Public Schools Shakespeare Festival is the largest and most successful all-school celebration in the country; declared a National Demonstration Site for the Teaching of Shakespeare by The U.S. Department of Education and the Folger Library in Washington D. C. 1330 Fox Street. Second Floor South Denver CO. 80204 Phone 720.423.8278 Fax 720.423.8279.
This is the sonnet that was presented to Walter Munk at the 16th annual Celebrity Sonnets at the old Globe on the 9th of October 2017 by Richard Lederer and reprinted
with permission. The complete article is on San Diego Shakespeare Society

.Phone: +1 858-395-0573
23rd April
William Shakespeare’s Official Birthday

The most famous of all English playwrights was born on 23rd April 1564 (officially) and died on St Georges's Day.
His birthday is (usually!) celebrated on 23rd April in Stratford-upon-Avon.
23rd April 4:00 to 6:00 pm
Bard Birthday Party

Bard Birthday Party and The San Diego Shakespeare Society Member Appreciation
After a two-year hiatus, we celebrate the birth of Stratford’s favorite son and show appreciation for the members of the Society who, for more than 20 years, have made
possible an amazing array of performances, educational offerings, and other special events.
Join us at a beautiful outdoor theatre in the Bay Park neighborhood, San Diego, CA.
29th April 9:30 to 3:30 pm
18th Annual Student Shakespeare Festival

The San Diego Shakespeare Society is proud to present:
The Student Shakespeare Festival is held on various open-air stages in beautiful Balboa Park, in the Casa Del Prado area. Hundreds of students from K-12 representing San Diego City and County schools, perform 10-minute scenes, sonnets, music, and/or dance from Shakespeare's plays. Truly a sight to behold Over 400 San Diego County school children from ages 8 to 18 will create their own costumes, build their own props, and memorize their lines from Shakespeare for a 10-minute scene on stages placed along the Prado. Great fun. Heritage Park in Old Town, San Diego CA
Check out last year's event.
18th May
13th Annual Shakespear Challenge

City Hearts will hold its12th Annual Shakespeare Challenge for students in LA County who have been studying Shakespeare. They will perform scenes and monologues before a panel of encouraging judges at the Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum. The Shakespeare Challenge utilizes Shakespearean drama to inspire students in the study of history, culture, vocabulary, literacy & stagecraft, as well as to promote skills in creative movement, group cooperation, teamwork, and conflict resolution. Organizers are currently looking for businesses and organizations that would be able to donate prizes for the competition. You can give almost anything related to Shakespeare, stickers, dolls, books, Acting, Drama, and also general School Supplies. We hope that you will consider supporting City Hearts and this year’s Shakespeare Challenge. For more about all of the City Hearts programs If you are able to donate prizes to the Shakespeare Competition, please contact Rebecca at
website at
Teachers and Students Alike

British Social News

Michael Barnes: Editor. Rebecca Barnes: Photographer
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To the best of my knowledge the information provided is correct, but please check with individual clubs & organizations to finalize event dates & tickets. If you received this email in error I apologize to remove your name from this Information list or to add a friend simply
Michael Barnes.